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Powdered Ingredients for Food & Beverage Markets

Tart cherry extract powder offers a wealth of health benefits that have garnered attention in the realms of nutrition and wellness. It contains natural melatonin which promotes beauty sleep and a great sense of relaxation. Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, Tart Cherry Extract can provide gout relief and contributes to overall joint health.

Hydrolyzed oat powder offers a range of valuable benefits that make it a popular ingredient in the world of nutrition and culinary applications. This unique form of oats provides enhanced digestibility, increased protein content, and an impressive nutritional profile. OatyCreme is a versatile Non-Dairy substitute and offers application in non-dairy creamer, oat based ice cream and oat beverages. Because it’s gluten-free with soluble fiber, it can also be used in a wide spectrum of baking applications.

Ginger concentrate powder offers a convenient and versatile way to incorporate the unique taste and potential health benefits of ginger into various culinary creations and products. Known for its warm and spicy flavor profile, ginger concentrate powder is used in a wide range of applications, including cooking, baking, beverage making, and as a key ingredient in herbal remedies and dietary supplements.